On February 18, 2005, we had a 33-year reunion at Potomac, Maryland, the first ever since we left Tunghai University in the early seventies. So we started this blog …
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- 波多馬克 2005 February 18, 2005
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我是蔣康耀 408-813-4257,希望能聯絡到東海72年校友嵇硯生。
我們(其實是楊志傑)還在顧著這家老店, 就等這一天妳也能踏進店面問候, 續舊. 總算等到了.
[附記]: 母校十四屆畢業45週年 六十多人於5/20-30/2017 往阿拉斯加遊輪上團聚. 好友, 好聊, 好玩, 好吃, 好笑, (啊呀好胖)… 請點這裡: http://tunghai72.org/index.html
首頁中間的兩個紅色links, 有很多相片. 進入後, 還可按上方幾個藍色的links, 可以看到更多不同組人馬互拍的老同學+眷屬的船上與陸地活動相片.
這張: http://www.tunghai.org/Alaska45/0S5A9308.JPG 四人曾分別上過熱門音樂社的舞台, 左起楊志傑 (建), 賴兆貞(經), 孫召棠(物), 和周今白(化工). 難得吧? 我們在遊輪上無法搞到吉他, 只好在Denali國家公園的旅館臥房裡, 再招來其他聖樂團的老友, 如張永年, 陸孔卿, 宋洪松等大唱英文卡拉OK老歌, 很過癮. 愛樂人何展宗, 嵇硯生, 周錫鴻, 周立家, 陳安琪, 袁昌黎等, 也來共襄盛舉. 又是當年宿舍的美好夢境, 我們又盡情盡興了!
2005年推出的網頁,我卻2017年才看見。 還有誰在check這個網頁嗎?照片是黑白,記憶是彩色。問候所有當年熱門音樂社的朋友與「聽眾」!我們盡情盡興了,青春沒有留白。
更正:我們幾個在2002時,就藉著14屆畢業30年重聚會,在拉斯維加斯結集了一次,共遊大峽谷等風景名勝,在荒郊野外與聖樂團員們一同隨興唱歌同樂(細節故事)。那應該算一次輕裝重聚。但是2005這回可通通都是”插電的重裝備”, 光是安排組合這些樂器音響我就花了不少功夫。
楔子:2004年的美國感恩節假日(11/25),我赴華府家庭聚會,順道拜訪周今白。在他家的地下室, 隨便玩了玩樂器。雖然時隔卅餘年,生疏了許多, 然而興致仍在, 因此萌生樂團重聚的念頭。返波士頓後, 挖出當年的手搞樂譜,稍加整理, 同時連絡僑居鄰國多倫多市的蕭大個兄。終於約定次年二月十八日元宵節分別搭機飛往華府,共度週末, 重溫舊夢。
我找到另外版本: 原詞唱兩遍半…
Freda: 我也記得當年的歌詞沒那麼俗氣
送别 – 青燕子演唱组 – 森林和原野
长亭外 古道边 芳草碧连天
晚风扶柳笛声残 夕阳山外山
天之涯 地之角 知交半零落
一壶浊酒尽余欢 今宵别梦寒
长亭外 古道边 芳草碧连天
晚风扶柳笛声残 夕阳山外山
天之涯 地之角 知交半零落
一壶浊酒尽余欢 今宵别梦寒
长亭外 古道边 芳草碧连天
晚风扶柳笛声残 夕阳山外山
可是看到 『晚风扶柳』 『尽余欢』…俗氣就變成火氣…拂扶不分,餘余同字,弘一法師九泉下也要翻身了!
By the way, 情人的眼淚, 詞:狄薏(陳蝶衣?), 曲:杜芬(姚敏?),原唱人:潘秀瓊. I was not only enjoying the songs, but also was appreciating the passion you all have on singing!
Thank you very much for your excellent job. I enjoy watching and listening your singing at the basement during lunar new year on the website. Terrific excellent job.
Very funny, imagine all these lonely, sleepless old folks counting on your website to kill their last drip of oil, you ought to be proud of that. .. -Eric Li
[註] ” We got the idea of making a video when I saw that senior citizen band on our local channel. 周今白 always planned everything including the funeral. A great background when reading the eulogy, I suppose. 老黑 actually called and asked for a DVD. He asked why we didn’t zoom or pan or move around with the camcorder. There’re nobody else in the room! 汪時貴 was complaining about video clips being “wiped out” when I removed the web page link by accident. ”
Wooowww!! that was quite a concert!! This is a unique group indeed. Julie is right, 大個’s voice sounded so young!! and gene looked young as always. 楊志傑’s energy could only be explained if we assume he is still in high school with the jumping hormones, hahahaha.
每一首歌都是當年的最愛,你們的聲音還真好,有些地方若用假聲會更好。有些歌有點意猶未盡的感覺,像送別,應該唱完第二段。不過就這樣已經讓我又羨又妒了。Freda Chen
I’m really impressed with your basement converted recording studio. The quality of both the sound and video came out pretty good. I give a 4 stars 🙂 It sure looks like you guys were having great fun and enjoying the jam session. Like Freda said, envy is an understatement here. -Dennis Yieh
賴慧慈: 妳聽得還真仔細, 沙啞之處請包涵.
一點沒錯, 那已經是我感冒的第五天, 別說”…若用假聲會更好…”, 有時連真聲都擠不出來, 真急死人了.很多地方都虧周小寶代合音…
三組人馬分從數百哩外飛奔而來jam兩天,我哪敢奢言延期?只好中藥西藥強壓咳嗽,我和大個合作拼完一瓶川貝枇杷膏,楊志傑和我手指早已有風濕現象,趁還能動之時, 趕緊奮勇完成一件心事吧…
-Gene Chou
原來是有苦衷的. 那你們更是精神可佳. 有朋自遠方來也是人生一大幸福. 而你們聚只是為了票戲, 真有夠瘋狂. 羨煞我們了.
Dear Gene Pai, 蕭大個, and the rest of the jam team: This is the first time I have chance to link up to the website and listen to your music. I am impressed!! The site was professionally done and I enjoyed your music very much. Thirty years ago 蕭大個兒曾經到 Norman 參加了我和宜瓊的婚禮。他那時就正如左上角的插圖(雖然我不認識他),這漫畫把當年的大個兒畫得活龍活現…兩三筆就見功力!!! 讚!! -Joe Tsou
一曲“送別”, 令人感傷。小學中學畢業典禮都唱這首歌。真是“彺事只能回味”。令人唏噓不已。你們真是有才氣的一群。希望能有機會結識兩位和周小寶。-C.M. Lin
我喜歡”送別”是喜歡它詩和曲配合的這麼好, 似乎不能想像有別的曲子來譜它. 有時下意識的唱上一次, 只是為了舒情, 對我來説感動多於感傷, 因為它帶我走 回從前, 那感覺真好. -Freda Chen
周今白, 演唱真精彩、好聽。這DVD,可成傳家寶之一了!
“憶兒時”的詞,亦出自弘一法師之筆。它與”送別”兩首歌的曲,均取材於十九世紀末美國的通俗歌曲(by William S. Hays and John Ordway, respectively),大師填上詞,成為絕配,至今膾炙人口。-Jenny Yang
傳家寶不敢講,該DVD肯定會進鞋盒子,在我和楊志傑的x禮反覆播放. 🙂
[註] 楊志傑每次遇到有個人紀念性的東西,他都會往一個鞋盒子丟, 他交代了子女, 萬一他突然走了, 就打開那個鞋盒子,裡頭有足夠的材料作X禮用,省 得你們還要替爸爸編故事.要通知那些爸爸的朋友的名單也在裡頭.
I need to reload my RealPlayer to listen this most amazing CD. I like 大個’s wink on the cover. ” You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one..” John Lennon’s lyrics used to be hung on my Canbran’s entrence hall. It is amazing that you three old pals played it like it was last time. It really gets me emotional to see three of you bonded this way. I, especially, like the intermission and the farewell segment. Of course, your son will be the one who will carry this memory till your are all gone. This is the legacy that you will leave to your son. Please tell 大個 that I miss him and remember him well during his short stay in Norman. He is definitely a charismatic character. He is also a great photographer, at least in my memory. I also believe that he will like to hang around with us too. -Ping Chu
I feel very fortunate to have spent my college days in the company of 楊志傑, 周今白 and 大個. They tried to include me in music or when they just wanted to hang out, and they were the most fun guys to be with. Interestingly, even though I wasn’t in Gene’s basement this time, all the old songs have found their way back to me, and I’ve been tinkering on the piano the past few days. Got to catch up. Those guys have all leaped ahead – playing and singing better than when they were college boys, acquiring heavy-duty equipment, and producing young musical offspring.
When my son goes to college, I’ll be able to spend more time in the States, and we’ll definitely sing together again. In the meantime, let’s see if I can find my voice back. -Julie Meng
Dear Friends, A wonderful performance. Looks like a fun gathering. The only thing missing is the female touch. 🙂 How come Gene’s daughter did not sing a song? Or do a solo performance on the keyboard? Hope you guys will get together and practice with more diligence. -Kung-Ching Lu Van Zandt
I forgot why I called you already. Brain damage due to old age. Oh, You guys must have really good time. You should invite me!!! -Emily
Thanks for the music clip. I watched them all and enjoyed all the “old” and young talents immensely! Take Care! -Edward Tao
周府闔家真是天倫樂 🙂
使我想起電影真善美裡頭的 von Trapp Family.
吳英朗: 原來是你, 我沒法用Jeff連想到你.
我當然記得你, 因為在服預官役時我還常返校,有一次還看了你們的演唱會. 今年是你們那屆的reunion, 很值得參加的. 要不是reunion勾回了許多 甜美的回憶,我們Saints也不會有那麼大的衝勁回頭唱當年的歌. 我的一大心願是退休後, 在 Maryland (DC 附近) 家裡繼續閒置 這些器材,像個studio/stage一樣, 你們來時 (個人或組隊) 自己唱(和錄)自己的歌回去給孫子看, 像在東海宿舍/銘賢堂練歌一樣, 吃住玩免費, 如何?
I listened to every single one in this video. They are great. What amazes me is you guys’ enthusiasm. I wish I can join you guys some time. -Jeff Wu
I have been enjoying watching and listening to your video clips.
What a group of talented “professionals”! It will be so fun if you guys can play and sing at our next reunion. BTW, I like 大個 blinking his eye.
-Lorraine Yu
歌唱完畢,相視一笑,不亦樂乎。(This is the best part when watching you guys on video)
周合(和??)音:where is your daughter?
Gi, Yenshang Oliver
It was a great event. I wish I were there. Music always bring back the best memory to my life. Thank you so much to share this with me.
Chen Ling-Sheng
I can’t believe you guys did not invite me!!! What a bunch of party poopers. 🙂
How about send me a DVD or VCD that will give me a better quality video of these old timers?
Thank you so much in advance.
Why didn’t you guys ZOOM, PAN or move around when shooting. The view angles are frozen. I’ve browsed through everyone and most of them look alike. (telephone) [註] : 現場並無他人,The camera was fixed on a tripod, controlled remotely.
Oh, my computer at work doesn’t have speakers. I have to watch these at home. 寄一張DVD來吧.
朱麗:等了30幾年才有這麼一次, 我們把大個當年的庫存老 歌做了一個紀錄.但是這次有如麻將三缺一, 如果妳在場: 我們的夢想就4/4成真了. BTW, 這一次只有周家大兒子, 從頭到尾, 沒出一錯. 真是後生可畏!。
I have to tell you. This is awesome. 大個, your voice is God-given.
Those good-bye songs and the scene at the airport make my eyes water. Somehow I picture you all thirty years younger and you all look dapper.
Gene, how many dads can jam with his son and daughter like this? Albert, can you send me some of the keyboard sheet music so I can fool around a bit? Or do I have to have an electric piano? By the way, that cap gives you character.
I’m so late for work because I couldn’t stop watching. I’ll have to do it again tonight. Thanks for the treat.
Very Happy!
不瞞各位,”送別”一曲是家父生前最愛歌曲之一,我摸過的任何樂器都會彈(吹)這首給他聽.這回是我特別要求大個唱給我聽的.由於沒有其他合適的非宗教歌曲,”送別”一曲已成我為多位長輩辦x事時的指定曲,聞之令人鼻酸. 請各位大哥大姐好好練練,背背歌詞,用到的機會肯定很多… [送別 video]
賴慧慈: 我還真喜歡妳用的”票戲”一詞,大個是當年紅遍大度山的票友,我,楊和小寶十足是個專任文武場,票友們一向是很瘋的.票房好壞就看各位捧不捧場了. 🙂
朱麗: 我的夢想這次只有3/4成真. 在志得意滿, 同往機 場的路上, 我們一致同意這 次是預排, 等妳 那天有一日往東岸一行時,哥們兒再聚, 說實話, 這次苦了楊志傑, 兩隻手無法同時彈吉他和keyboard, (同時彈鋼琴和keyboard),每條歌都 總少了一雙手,每一曲只見他埋頭苦幹,忙得不可開交. 結論是:我們非常需要妳 。
Smoky Quartz Studio (周府地下室),
Potomac, Maryland
華盛頓生日長週末,老友蕭應民,楊志傑相約,分別從Toronto和Boston飛到D.C.周家jam session(i.e.,彈琴&唱三十年前的老歌)。人手不足,趕緊把在北卡Duke讀研究所的周家大兒子召回來打鼓,請他小女補位鋼琴。有如2-day bootcamp, 臨時湊合,隨意玩玩,沒有排練,請別見笑…
I was work late tonight in the office. I took a break and watched the Walk dont run (ventures) first, then I continue to watch your Wipe-Out performance in D.C. I lost it. It is “wiped out”. Please e-mail to me again.
Play in the basement looks like we played in the back stage of 東海銘贒堂 that will bring back all my memory. If there is any new stuff, please don’t hesitate to send to me. I will play it again and again. Even though I don’t play guitar any more, but I like to watch you guy to play very much.
[註]政治系汪時貴當年是熱門音樂社台柱,每天抱著吉他。目前南加州經營事業相當成功,同學聚餐吃飯常搶著付錢,很受歡迎。(取材自 No.2 Newsletter Class of 1973 -10/08/05)